The concept of “Crime and Punishment” [C& P]
in Islam is very often criticized by the West as something “harsh” and
“barbaric”. Leaving aside temporarily the point that how apparently it looks
“harsh”, it has no relevance or resemblance, even in the slightest form, with
the “shameful and immoral punishment” that has been “given” to innocent Iraqis
in the prison of Abu Gharaib by the Anglo-American
allied forces. In fact, this concept is wedded to its basic philosophy that
Islam stands for justice, peace, security of life, honor and property for every
citizen within its bounds. Equally, it guarantees the continuation of this
situation in order to maintain the requisite balanced growth, promoting the
purity of living condition in all respect without fear of theft, arson,
adultery and encroachment in any form to his or her personal life, honor and property. This ideal situation,
Islam could not maintain without curbing the very root of crime and creating
fear in the hearts of “would-be” criminals. Islam has attained this inspiring
condition through providing and enforcing the exemplary system of punishment
for the crimes that disturb the ideal situation of the Islamic society,
especially against theft and adultery.
Unfortunately, the West has been particularly
very critical of Islamic punishment against theft and adultery. The critics
term it as “barbaric” and are desirous to change it with their own system of
“non-capital” punishment. Their insistence continues in spite of the fact that
crime rates in these societies are rampant, criminals are getting addicted to
jail that are bursting with inmates and the so-called “free” citizen sleep with two or three locks at the door and
the criminals are “free” to roam on the streets. Perhaps the West has lost the
sense of “gain and loss” altogether. They have no sense as how to protect the
life, honor and property of their citizens in spite of the fact it is
guaranteed in their constitution and proclaimed from UN and other world
platforms that they stand for these values and struggle for these fundamental
human rights whereas, in fact, they do not know how to get it through.
Let us put the Islamic concept of C & P in
brief in a perspective that is very concise and precise, removing all the
shadows of doubts and apprehensions that "ignorant" western press and
intelligentsia are spreading day in and day out.
The entire concept of "crime and
punishment" in Islam must be judged in terms of "cause and
effect." All the crimes whether adultery, theft or any cognizable
offense must be studied in relation to the circumstances under which
it was committed. It is not a jungle law that it must be applied
to all and sundry without justification. If the cause that had lead to the
commitment of the crime is permissible under Shariah,
does not violate any human right or is committed under force of deprivation or
duress, the Muslim judge will evaluate the situation and may set him or
her free if the intention was different than to commit the crime intentionally.
The paramount spirit of Islamic law is that
one who is provided with all the facilities in life, if he commits theft, he
must be punished for setting example and warning to others not to
commit or repeat. A person for whom all the sources to get a legal wife
are available and the Islamic State provides him or her all facilities to
go through wedlock process, in this situation, if he or she commits adultery,
he/she “deserves” to be punished to serve as deterrent for others. The
punishment in either case is not "harsh" at all but
it is administered to make others to feel not to commit and meet the
same fate of disgrace and carry a stigma in the society. This is the only
process to keep the society free of crimes. The West should not feel shy of
accepting the Islamic concept of C & P and make their societies free of
Islam wants to purify the society from crimes
and makes it impossible for anyone even to think of committing crimes. Islam
through its own social welfare system provides all the basic necessities
of life to all its poor, needy, incapacitated, unemployed, underemployed
citizens [including marriage facilities]. Under such ideal situation, there is
the least possibility that someone will commit crimes like theft and
adultery. However, if one does it, he/she is spoiling the society and its
purity. Therefore, he/she must be given exemplary
punishment to keep the society clean for others. Islam does not give
punishment for the sake of punishment as we see today in Western societies
though they call their jails as "correctional facilities"
[CF] but it creates only criminals and die-hard criminals after once
visiting these jails
The people who criticize the Justice system of
Islam have perhaps no idea about either crime or its causes
of persistency. They are completely ignorant of the fact as how to keep
the society free of crimes and criminals. In this respect, one must go
through the monumental work [three volumes] of Sayyed
Qutub Shaheed on the
issue of "Criminal Justice in Islam" and the marvelous book on
"Crime and Punishment" by Yusuf Al-Quardawi. These books need to be translated in English from
Islam purifies the Islamic society and its
members in two ways: (1) Inculcating
in every individual the sense of accountability before their Creator and
Sustainer and the concept of Amanah [trust] that make
him or her a dependable trustworthy character, a boon for the society and a
guarantee towards the protection of everyone’s right and property. (2) On the other hand, if by chance
some one commits some crime or cognizable offence, he/she must be accorded
exemplary punishment so the very root of crime is uprooted and the society
feels free. The advocates of free society should study the system of criminal
justice in Islam, if they are really interested to make this world an abode of
peace and harmony for generations to come.
Shamim A Siddiqi
July 11, 2004