In The
Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
[Shamim A Siddiqi, New York]
is currently enjoying its material, military and fire-power supremacy amongst
the nations of the world. It undertakes that there is no challenge to
monopolistic position for decades together. It has come to stay for good.
President Bush’s success in the recent presidential elections has emboldened
him to dominate the world politics. He is interpreting his success as a mandate
from the people of America
to continue his old policies and program with greater emphasis and conviction
that it is the USA
that will dictate its terms to the people of the world and they are to live in
terms of his dictates. His tone and behavior both have since changed altogether.
It can well be calculated from the team that he is gathering around him as his
second term cabinet. The “security and peace” of the world, he has entrusted
now to his hawkish and the most conservatives Neo-Cons to look after the war in
Iraq, restoration of normalcy in the region and war against “terrorism” that is
yet to be defined by him and his henchmen. He is behaving like the supreme
“monarch” who knows no law and accepts no restrictions on his power, forgetting
altogether that the world and what it contains belong to the Supreme authority
of his Creator and Sustainer that had brought him to power not his arrogant and
“lies-embedded” policies that he has been pursuing both at home and abroad. He
can dismiss him in no time. The signs are now clearly visible at the horizon.
The first challenge to the authority of President Bush has come from President
Jacques Chirac of France.
He has categorically asserted that Mr. Bush contention that the world is safer
since Mr. Hussein was disposed rather it has become a more dangerous place to
live, augmenting the spread of terrorism all around. By his actions and
bloodshed and occupying Iraq,
Afghanistan, he turned many
Muslims as diehard opponents of America,
causing only turmoil and bloodshed more and more in the wake of hate against
the USA.
This is an eye opening statement by the French president and if President Bush
has slightest touch of intelligence and that of commonsense, he must read the
downfall of the super power in between these lines. If his adamancy continues
unabated, as it seems by giving warning signals to Iran,
and others, he and his policy is determined to meet the same fate as predicted
above. Uncle Sham will see the world shrinking for him everywhere. The
increasing quantum of hate will not let him sit at home in peace too.
The tragedy of President Bush’s “irresponsible” behavior while playing his game
of arrogance in the power-politics of the world is bound to create more enemies
than friends globally. It would be the tragedy of great dimensions for the
American people. He must think that only Americans are not living in this
world. The world is inhabited by Russians, European nations,
Chinese and Indians and all are not only aspiring but struggling hard to
compete the USA, challenge its domination in all the fields of superiority and
claim sooner than later to be the superpower on their own merits. The days of
supremacy of the USA
are just numbered. President Chirac of France has elaborated his vision
about the would-be “multipolar” world in which “there
will be a great American pole, a great European pole, a Chinese one, an Indian
one, eventually a South American Pole with the United Nations mediating.”
It appears that it is going to happen and the world is openly and clearly drifting
to the “multipolar” world. It may be a death-knell to
American hegemonies but it would be a safer place for human species to live and
aspire for that situation to emerge. There will be more bargaining “agents” in
world politics and the weaker nations will inhale a sigh of relief as there
will be “more than one” centers of power to resort to. The supremacy of the USA
will evaporate and making of concocted stories, preemptively attacking the free
nations on false and flimsy grounds will come to an end with it.
It is time for the USA
to envision that situation ahead of time, slash down its game of “twist and
turn” and forget to dominate the world by dint of power through “subjugation”
and “intimidation.” The game and days of “unipolarism”
must be treated as the thing of past. It is time that the USA and ruling body must realize
that the world can be won over only by love and service to mankind. The faith
that President Bush claims to manifest and the faith that paves his second
coming to power demands to win the world by love that Jesus [pbuh] showed to
the world. If Bush acts otherwise, it would be a mockery of his faith and the
mockery of people’s faith that brought him to power. History will give its
verdict that there was a president of the USA who once was elected by the
faith to which he belied by actions.
Shamim A Siddiqi
November 21,
[From Dallas, TX]