[Shamim A Siddiqi,
eloquent appeal made by Mohtram Abdul Haq Falahi in the Isharat of Zindagi -e. Naw, July 2003 towards Dawah Ilallah is quite impressive. It is extensively supported by
Verses from the Qur'an that exhort a Muslim to be a Da'ee and be involved in Dawah
process. But he didn't elucidate or propound as how to do Dawah
in a pluralistic society like
I am living in the pluralistic society of
have no idea how JIH will do this job when it resolved to change the society,
fight against corruption at all levels, annihilate the cast system, give
"tongue" to the untouchables and bring the status of the lowest at
par with the highest placed in the society? What program it has to raise the
status of the predominantly oppressed womenfolk of
In my humble opinion these ideals can be accomplished if JI starts working at
the grass root level, building the momentum gradually at its individual
workers level, especially Arkan, who are
dedicated, devoted and committed. If the case is not so, it should first
concentrate in transforming each one of them into an effective Da'ee Ilallah in Indian
perspective at their respective places, neighborhood and in vicinity.
Each worker will try to ignite the environment around him or her by setting:
i. his
or her own house as model Muslim family;
his or her own example as a model socio-political worker [activists] in
their respective domain,
demonstrating the exemplary trustworthy
character of a Da'ee;
working day and night enthusiastically with active cooperation of the
local people, irrespective of their cast and creed, in developing and
establishing around themselves an "Island of peace" [IOP] based on common human values [Ma'roof to be followed by Munkar]
at their respective places within a variable time frame of three to four years,
depending on the local condition and targeting to build 5, 000 such basic
"units of peace" throughout India within the next four years time.
Important Notes:
1. Initially the "Island
of peace" will cover an area of about 1 to 2 sq. mile, depending on
the number of workers available in that area;
2. This IOP will be the target
of intensive and extensive Dawah activities, mass
contact programs and humanitarian services involving the local people in social
activities as much as possible;
3. It will help in building
the requisite good will for the IM and the image of its workers as
socio-political activists with dependable and trustworthy character.
4. In subsequent stage or stages, additional areas will be added to
this IOP in geographical contiguity, depending on the availability of Thareeki workers locally and the amount of cooperation from
the people of the area with a target to build 10, 000 additional Islands of
Peace throughout
5. The area covering the IOP will
continue to increase in stages till it ultimately covers an electoral
constituency or greater part of it. If the project continues systematically
and programmatically, it will not take more than 20 to 25 years to win over the
hearts of the "electorates" of the area, enabling the JI to set up
its own or pro-Jamaat or an honest person as
candidate of the area, as the situation would warrant, for local, provincial
and national elections.
6. In fact, this is the
Roadmap for JIH to create the atmosphere for promoting the Islamic values in
the heterogeneous pluralistic society of
7. The four yearly "Meqats" of the JIH will need revision and adjustment
8. This whole process does not
need any publicity and fanfare but silent working for the targeted goal. This
should be the policy of the Jamaat at each level.
Publicity gives nothing but "headaches."
9. All the programs of JIH must rotate around this axis of IOP.
The attitude of "hesitancy" about setting a political agenda that is
apparently visible both in the leadership and the program all around must be
buried deep into the
10. This vision must now be visible through our programs, speeches and
personal contacts at every level.
Shamim A Siddiqi
July 26, 2003