In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
[Shamim A Siddiqi,
INTRODUCTION: Building the Team of Da’ees in American perspectives is extremely essential and an unavoidable prelude towards introducing the Deen of Allah to the people of the land and its spreading at last. However, there are many brothers and sisters who are not able to understand its necessity and feel its urgency to undergo a special Da’ees Training Program for its sake whereas a lot of Halaquas [Circles] in different names are already busy in teaching Tajweed, Usulul Fiqh, Qur’anic Tafseer, Ahadith of Rasulullah (S), Islamic History, day today problems of Fiqh, Aqeedah and the Qur’anic Arabic, serving the cause of Islam one way or the other. All these classes are good in nature but they do not communicate the total concept of Islam as Al-Deen and a Movement and fulfill its prime need towards the resurrection of Ummah. It is, therefore, essential that the objectivity of this program must be ventilated in full in order to inspire the Muslim leadership and our promising youth to undergo this comprehensive training as an obligation of their Deen and Iman.
To understand our situation in correct perspective, I have to elaborate the position of Muslim Ummah a bit in detail. Let us see first: What is our position on this earth?
* Allah created man by His own hands and endowed him with strong three urges and one dominant free will [Ref: Verse # 75 of Surah Saa’d];
* Allah created this cosmos and
what it contains for man and then harnessed it for him as ordained in Verse # 19 of Surah Luqman; Verse # 24
of Al-Baqarah & Verse # 13 of Al-Ja’thia;
* Sometime in the infinity of
time, Allah (SWT) assembled together the spirits {Arwah] of all the progenies
of Adam and put the question before them:
“A’lastu Berabbekum” – Am I not Your Lord? They all
confessed and said, “Bala” –
Definitely, [You are] – “Lest you say on the Day of Judgment: Lo! of this we
were unaware”. {Ref: Verse # 172 of
Surah Al-Airaf];
* Allah declared and spoke to His
angles that He wants to appoint a
Khalifah [Vicegerent] on earth: “Lo!
I am about to place a vicegerent on earth” [Ref Verses # 30 to 36 of Al-Baqarah
and Verse # 11 to 24 of Al-Airaf] for this entire episode that took place in
Jannah] - Inni Ja'lun fi--al-ardey
* Allah kept Adam and Eve in Jannah for some time unknown to us till the character of both Adam and Shaitan were tested and the earth became habitable for humans;
* Allah then sent Adam and Eve to earth as their temporary abode with a clear “Commitment” on His part that He will go on sending Guidance to Man through His appointed Messengers as and when needed as how to act, live and behave on earth with this undertaking that whosoever follow it, he will be rewarded with eternal bliss and whosoever deny the guidance will face eternal torment;
* So, every individual human
being is Allah’s Vicegerent on earth, irrespective of the fact whether he accepts
it or not but Muslims are the recognized “Khalifatullah”
[Khalifah of Allah] on earth by virtue of their entering into the fold of Allah
and making a deal with Him by
reciting Shahadah – “La llaha Ilallah
Muhammadun Rasulullah” [Ref
Verse # 111 of Surah Al-Tawbah]. This deal with Allah (SWT) is very
comprehensive, life-long, and ever-binding till his or her last breath to
struggle for establishing His authority on self, family and the society in
which he/she lives. What are the scope and what it surmounts, Allah describes
it in the next Verse # 112 of
Al-Tawbah].A Muslim has to
fulfill the conditions of his position – lives like a Mumin [obedient to Allah
alone] and spends his time, talents, energies and resources in His way for the Iqamah
of His Deen on earth for the whole of his/her life. This is the eternal mission
of his/her life and he/she has to carry it out individually and collectively in
a Jamaa’h till the Deen of Allah either is established or he/she gives up
his/her life for its sake.
Rasulullah (S) expressed the same
determination when he (S) told to his (S) uncle Abu Talib: “Mushrekeen
[idolaters] can put sun in my right hand and moon in my left; I will not give
up the mission [of Dawah Ilallah] till I succeed or give up my life in this
pursuit”. [Narrated both by Bukhari and Muslim]
Are we doing this job?
*This fixes our position as Muslims
and Muslimah on this earth for good. Any deviation from it will be a great
crime in the sight of Allah (SWT), inviting constantly His wrath. Brothers and
siste4rs, will it not shiver us by realizing where we stand today and what this
position demands from us?
is a very potential and pertinent question that I have raised before you. Islam
perhaps is the most misunderstood “Deen” even amongst Muslims what to say of
others. It is divided in so many sects, dogmas, rituals, traditions, different
Sufi Tareeqaas that it is very difficult to recognize and distinguish it from
its original concept of Deen - Al-Islam. Through decadence of centuries
together it has been rendered into a religion as Judaism and Christianity are. The tragedy is this that each “group” or
“faction” is satisfied with what he/she is holding and never bothers to know
what Islam is in its totality and what it demands from us as Muslim and
Muslimah as how to act, live and behave
on this earth?
In fact, Islam is Al-Deen as ordained by Allah (SWT) in Verse # 19 of Al-Imran: “Inna-Al-Deena Indallahe Al-Islam”;
“Wa mun yabtageh Ghairul Islamay Deenun falan Yuqbalu minhu wa huwah
fil Al-Akheratey min-al-Khasereen” – [Verse. 3: 85, Al-Imam] “And one who seeks
Deen other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him and he will be a looser
in Akhirah”
“Afaghaira Deen-Allah yabghoon wa lahu aslamu mun fi-al-samawatey wa-Al-Ardey
Tawun wa Karhun wa ilahey turjaoon” [Verse # 83 of al-Imran] “They seek other
than the Deen of Allah when unto Him submits whatever is in heaven and earth
willingly and unwillingly and unto Him all will return”
*Al-Yawmah Akmaltu Lakum Deenakum wa Atmamtu Alaikum Naimati wa Razeetu
Lakum-Al Islama Deenun” [Ref: Verse # 3 of Al-Ma’edah] “This day I have
perfected your Deen for you and completed My favors unto you, and have chosen
fro you ISLAM AS DEEN”
These quotes from the Qur’an elaborate what Allah likes and what He
does not like at all in respect of Al-Deen al-Islam.
- Let us define: what Deen is? Al-Deen Al-Islam is a system of
life that governs and controls the entire spectrum of human life from birth to
death and from cradle to grave both in the individual and collective spheres of
life, elaborating clearly how to act, live and behave on earth as
approved/ordained by Allah (SWT) and demonstrated by Rasulullah (S) in his (S)
It is thus incumbent upon each
Muslim and Muslimah to take Islam as a whole, study it as a complete system of
life, present it to the world in its perfect form and do not shop over it. Islam will give its Barakah only if we
practice it in its totality as a perfect socio-economic-political entity in all
and every walk of life. From Dawah
point of view it is very essential that we study Islam as a Deen, develop
ourselves as its models, present it to the people of the land as the solution
to their different problems of life as their need and build a model community
on that pattern.
It is therefore essential that a Da’ee must understand - Contents of
DTP flyer can also be presented at this stage as what the student will learn
from DTP classes:
* The concept of Deen;
* Cohesiveness of Aqeedah – Iman Billah, Prophethood, angels as the
agent of Allah, accountability in Akhirah, Resurrection after death and
destiny. In a perfect cohesive form as they are totally inter-linked.
* Concept of Ebadah, Hijra, struggle in the way of Allah – [Jihad in
the way of Allah] * Understanding the Concept of: Iman, Total surrender to
Allah]; Iman as A Commitment]; Taqwah
[feeling always accountable to Him]; Ehsan [living under constant vigilance of
Allah]; Infaq in the way of Allah; * Different conditions in which a Mumin
lives constantly: Sabr and Shukr; fear and hope; Tawakkal Al-Allah; *
inevitability of trials and tribulations; *Azimah [determination] and
inculcating the dominant spirit of sacrifice of time, talents, energies, and
resources in the way of Allah for the Iqamah of His Deen and His authority on
* Studying the Qur’an on regular basis as the system of life prescribed
by Allah that you understand it by yourself;
* Study of the Seerah of Rasulullah (S) and his (S) beloved companions
as how they struggled and established the Deen of Allah and how can we do it
* Study of Islam and it social, economic and political system in
comparison to modern isms and the history of
* Study of the history of Islam through crises
* Study of Arabic language to understand Islam directly from its
original sources.
* Study of Usulul Fiqh
* Learning and practicing Dawah Ilallah as a regular field program –
understanding well it scope, its needs, its technique, its limitations, its
do’s and don’ts, its process, knowing contactees and the Methodology of Dawah
in the context of the modern world;
Thus, building the Team of
Da’ee Ilallah [DI] – envisages a Comprehensive Training Program t cater its
needs and urgencies. Accordingly, it is what we are going to start in this
mosque soon, Insha Allah.
Warning: If we do not take Islam in this perspective, desired
results will never be attained, even if we try for a thousand years more. It is
on the a pattern our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S) build his (S) Movement and
established the authority of Allah in Arabian peninsula and we too can get
astounding results by following his (S) pattern meticulously.
3. NOW THINK WHAT FOR ISLAM CAME THROUGH AGES? {Can anyone of you answer?
A: *To deliver Al-Adl wa Quist to suffering humanity. And * to take out
humans from the slavery of man to the slavery of Allah Rabbul A’lameen
[Mughirah bin
“Laqad Arsalna Rosuluna bil-bayyanatey wa anzalna Maahum-al-kitaba wa-al-mizan
ley-yaqumannasu bilquistey wa anzaln-al-hadeed Fihey basun shadeedu wa Manafeyu
lil-al-nnasey wa ley-yalamallahu mun yansuruhu wa Rusulahu bil-ghaibey.
Innallah Qawiyun Aziz, [Verse # 25 of Surah # 57 of Al-Hadeed]
‘Huwallazi yunazzelu ala abdehi a’ya’tin bayyana’tin ley-yukhrejakum
min-al-zulumatey ila-al-noor. Innallah bekum laraoofur Rahim. [Verse # 9 of
- Further Ref: Ibrahim (14): 1;
Q. who is doing this job? Are you or the Muslim Ummah? How will you face your Lord on Day of Judgment
with what answer? Please share it with us.
* To call the people to the fold of Allah; * eradicate Munkar and; *
establish Maa’roof in its place
- “Kuntum Khaira Ummatin ukhrejut lil-nnasey Tamuruna bil-Maa’rufey wa
Tanhauna un-al-mukar wa tuminuna Billah…….” [Verse # 110 of Al-Imran]
- ‘Waltakun-Minkum Ummatun yadwoona ilal-al-Kahir wa yamuruna
bil-maaroof wa yanhauna anil-al-Munkar, Wa Uulaa’yeka humul Muflehoon” [Verse
# 104 of al-Imran]
- “Wa Kazaleka jaalnakum Ummatan Wasatan Letakunu
Shuhadaa’ala-al-nnasey wa yakuna-al-Rasulu Alaikum Shaheedah…….” [Verse #
143 of Al-Baqarah]
{Further Ref” Verse # 78 of Al-hajj]
- The aforesaid responsibilities
or Agenda of Muslim Ummah cannot be fulfilled without struggling for the Iqamah
of Allah’s Deen the way Rasulullah (S) did and Allah’s Deen is established
somewhere in this world.
- Howallazi arsala Rasulahu bilhudah wa Deeni-al-Haq leyuzherahu
ala-al-Deeney kullehi wa lau karehal Mushrekoon” [Al-Saf - 61: 9] p; Al-Tawbah
-9: 33 - walau karehal Mushrekoon); Al-Fathey - 48: 28 (wa Kafa billahey
- Confusion amongst Muslim scholars about the word “ Izhare Deen”:
“Zahara”: he overcame;
conquered, overpowered or mastered; gained the mastery or victory or prevailed
over him –Arabic English Lexicon BY Edward William Lane; Page 1926 Vol. # V]
Jan 17, 1996; {We have kingdom why can’t we have Khalifah – Br HY; M Margavi;
Maulana Wahiduddin.]
*Assignment of Rasulullah: “
*Given the Political slogan: “La Ilaha Ilallah” [to call the people to
the fold of Allah
*The Needs of Rasulullah (S): *Guidance; *Team of trusted
workers; *Land to establish Allah’s Deen; [He
(S) rightly concentrated on humans – if individuals are corrected, all will be
*What was he contemplating in Hera? Had taken up any issue after his
*Guidance came from Allah in bits and pieces and completed in 23 years;
- Building Team of trusted
workers – Da’ee Ilallah, he (S) undertook; How many? 124 from Makkah, 63
from Aus and 173 from Khazraj.
- Search for land to establish
Deen of Allah, he(S) continued for 12 years in Makkah
*The process: *Dawah, *Organization, *Tarbiyah, *Peaceful
Resistance, *Hijra, *last stage – Qital, the last resort. [What the most
important feature of this process?
- Can process be changed? No. But Methods can be used latest; How
- Rasulullah (S) demonstrated a perfect model in all respect.
- Most important feature of Peaceful Resistance: Rasulullah (S) and
Sahabah never retaliated while making every effort towards Dawah Ilallah. - kept
* Who will carry out his job NOW? OUR
- There are 57 Muslim countries
in the world but Islam is no where dominant. They are not doing this job.
- There are many Islamic
Movements around the world but none could succeed in establishing Islam in
the body politics of their respective countries: Ikhwan, JI... Masjumi,
Hizbut Tahreer an many local/regional organizations;
8. WHY THEY COULD NOT SUCCEED? – Some of major causes of failure:
* The impediments: * Age old enmity against Islam; *Leadership of
Muslim world –Who got? *Concept of Al-Deen is blurred or missing - Islam has
become a religion and – a house divided within itself; *Involvement in huge
crop of community and sectarian problems; Crusade of superpower and its allies;
Corrupt leadership in power every:
* Muslims have become Reactionaries
* Problems are many, numerous and cannot be counted: [“LA
* THE MAIN ISSUE: the interference of the Western powers in
the internal affairs of the Muslim world. If it is not stopped, nowhere in the
Muslim world, Islam can emerge as a political identity : IT NEEDS: Removal of
hate and false misconceptions against Islam and Muslim from people’s mind
through a well organized Dawah Program in the WEST, in the USA. It needs a
trustworthy TEAM OF DA’EES IN AMERICAN PERSPWECTIVE AS Muslim World could not
and cannot do any thing in this respect
IN THE WEST? [The essence of Iqamatuddeen now lies in Democratic set-ups]
*What we have: *Guidance;
*Land in abundance; *BUT NO TEAM OF DA’EES in American perspective
& we have to build that TEAM bearing the following characteristics [our
current ready made leadership with a few exceptions are h=good for nothing; The
way Rasulullah (S) had to build his (S) team, the same way we have to build our
team in the context of modern world..
10. Building DA’EE’S Team through DTP - The first step in that direction:
DA’EE ILALLAH: What are its requisites?
i. Clarity of vision and love for the mission: [eg.Keys of Kaabah;
Khabbab b Arat;]
ii. Acquiring working knowledge of Islam;
iii. Understanding this country, its people and their problem better
than a Senator;
iv. Building in each a trustworthy character through self-development
v. Developing the habit of sacrificing time, talents, energies and
resources in His way
vi. Be part of the Jamaa’h –It would be a collective effort; its
benedictions are great:
[REF: Al-Tawbah -119]
“Ya-Ayyuhallazina Amanu-al-Taqu-Allah wa kunu Ma
11. Adage of Imam Ma’lik (RA): “Lun Yuslehu
akhiru hazehil-Ummah illa bema suleha behi awwaluha [the end part of Ummah
cannot be reformed unless we resort the same process through which it was build
at the outset]
* demands the same action to correct our situation
12 AGENDA FOR DA’EES TEAM: I have tried to put the entire
scenario of Muslim Ummah with its past, present and future. We have to build
the Ummah AFRESH on the lines Rasulullah (S) did raised it from scratch through
his glorious efforts. His model is before us. Let us follow it meticulously,
plan it properly, build an effective of Da’ee Ilallah in American perspective
with the
following Agenda,* and work in this country quietly and
constitutionally at least for two decades. The results will then be visible on
the horizon, Insha Allah
1. Search for righteous people for the Team -Calling the people to
the fold of Allah
2 .Producing Issue- oriented Dawah literature: Tawheed, Akhirah and
Risalah ++
3. Removing Munkar with cooperation JC society and establishing Maa’roof;
4. Building Model Muslim Community where possible
5 Promoting moral values that are common with JC and our Constitution
6. Involving the team in: Service to humanity both at individual
and collective levels
7. Participating gradually in the Election process of the
8. Working on this pattern in Muslim countries simultaneously for the
Revival or
Resurrection of Muslim Ummah
and get it out of the mess.
CONCLUSION: I pray to Allah (SWT) to help us with His Tawfeeq,
shower His Mercy upon all of us and pave the way to introduce and spread the
Deen of Allah to humanity in the Western hemisphere as His promise goes:
“Wallazina Jahadu Fina,
lanahdeyannahum subulana, Innallaha lamaal Muhseneen” [Al-Ankabut, 29:69];
Translation: As for those who strive in Us, We surely guide them to Our
path, and Lo! Allah is with the good (Al-Muhseneen). Amen!
Shamim A Siddiqi
Phone: 516-333-4222
August 17, 2008