DTP Lectures Series # 3:                                                                                                 


In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful






1. Concept of Iman Billah - WHO IS ALLAH?

* You must know Him – He is not the personal God of Jews, not of Christians who made Him –God

   The incarnate not of pagans who worship the manifestation of power in animate and in-animate

   objects of nature;

* Allah is the Creator, Sustainer, law-giver, Regulator – He is Rab, Malik & Ilah of people [114: 1-3]

* These are the rights of Allah on His people: He is the Sustainer, He is the Lord.  So, all obedience is

   meant for Him alone. This is pure Monotheism and it eliminates all shadows of Shirk with His

   person, His attributes and His supreme authority in any form or shape.

* Verse # 255 of Al-Baqarah contains total concept of Allah’s Sovereignty as defined by:

 - H Laski’s definition: It can be located; is Absolute;   Indivisible; Inalienable & Eternal.

* Al-Ekhlas: Surah 112 of the Qur’an- Who is Allah?

* Total multi-dimensional authority is described in Verse # 26 -27 of Al-Imran-His Prerogatives

* Al- Hadeed Verse 1-6 [Must be studied in detail to have the perfect concept: Who is Allah?]


2. All loyalties, worship & obedience [Ebadah] are for Allah: [Iyyaka nabudu wa Iyyaka Nasta’eeen] - It ends all kinds of Shirk. It makes the Iman pure and unadulterated in any way.

- Seek help only from Him – It produces the purest model of Iman in Muslim:

- A capsule Ayah of the Qur’an: Total surrender to Allah; His total obedience & Total dependence.

[Will know more about it when studying Al-Fateha]


3.  This obedience is Total not partial as Allah demands: “Udkhulu fi-Al-Silmey Ka'ffataun” [2: 208]

- Enter into Islam 100 %, not even 99’9 recurring. .


4.  This obedience is for life time:Innal- Lazina Qua’loo Rabbunallah Summa Istaqamu” [They say: Allah is our Lord and they remain steadfast or upright by it - Qur’an 41: 30]

- A Hadith narrated by Ibne Omar (RA) strengthens it: A person came to Rasulullah (S) and asked him (S) to tell one thing and that suffices him for ever. Rasulullah (S) advised him, “Say, Amantu Billah summa Istaqim” [Say: I believe in Allah and then be steadfast by it]


5.  Only Allah has the authority to declare “Halal & Haram” and none else, even the Messengers. 

- “Today I have perfected your Deen……..[Ref; Verse # 3 of Al-Ma’edah] What is Haram and Halal is fully described in the Qur’an and that is the end of it.


6.  Only the Shariah or the Deen that had come form Allah is to be practiced, followed and established in its totality on this earth:

- “Inna Al-Deena indallahey Al-Islam” [Al-Imran-19]

- “afaghaira Deenallahey yabghoon; wa lahu Aslamu mun fi-alsamawatey  wa-al-ardey Tauaun wa karhaun wa elahey turjawoon” [Al-Imran: 83]

-  “Wa mun yabtaghey ghairul Islama Deenun falan yuqbalu minhu; wa hum fil-Akheratey min-al-khasereen” [Al-Imran: 85] 


7.  Concept of Amanah: Whatever we possess belongs to Allah;

* What Allah has given us? Time, talents, energies and resources;

- Are we the Master or just Trustees as ordained in the Qur’an?

* “Wa Huwal-Lazi Jaa’lakum Khalaifal Ardey wa Rafaa badakum fauqa Badin leyabluakum fi ma

   ata’kum. [Al-An-Aaam”: 165]

* “Summa Ja’alnakum Khalaifal Al-Ardey Mim Badehim leynanzura kaifa taalamoon”: [Yunus: 14]

* “Wal-Lazina Hum leyamanatehim  wa Ahdehim Ra’woon” [Al- Muminoon: 8] + Al-Nisa: 32;


8. Concept of Accountability in Akhirah:

-  We all are accountable to Allah for all our actions and deeds on earth: wa bilakherate hum

   Yuqenoon [Al-Baqarah: 3]; “Wa Elaika-al- Maseer” [Al-Imran: 285]

- In fact, the concept of accountability stems out of the concept of Amanah.

* WE will discuss it separately in detail when elaborating “Iman Bil-Akhirah”


9. All troubles and glad tidings come from Allah alone:

* “Ma Asba’ min musibatin fi Al-Ardey wa-la-fi-anfusekum illa fi kitabin min Qabley an-nabra’ha. Inna zaleka alallahey yaseer. Lekaila ta’sau ala’ ma-fatakum wa la- tafrahu bema a’ta’kum. Wallahu la-yuhibbu kullu Mukhtalin fakhur” [Al-Hadeed: 22 -23]]


10.  Our Iman is subject to test from Allah (SWT):

* It is inevitable when, especially, Iman becomes a challenge for the Batil as ordained by Allah:

- A’ Hasebun al-nasu un-yutraku un yaqoolu A’manna wa hum la-yuftanoon. Wa Laqad fatanna al-

  Lazina min qab-lehim; fa-layalamanaalhu al-lazeena sadaqu wa-layalamann-al-kazebeen” [Al-Ankabut: 2-3]





- Allah accepts no partner or associate with His person, powers or attributes:

* “Ya bunayyah: La Tushrik Billah; Inna al-Shirka lazulmun Azeem” [Luqman: 1]

* Hadith quoted both in Bukhari and Muslim and narrated by Maa’z bin Jabal (RA) who was riding behind Rasulullah (S) –only the hump of camel was in between, he (S) called, “O Maa’z bin Jabal (RA)”.  I said, “ Ya Rasulullah (S), I am attentive”. Some time passed, he (S) again called, “O Maa’z” \. He (S) called me thus three times and then said, “Do you know the right of Allah over His slaves”?

I said, “Allah and His Messenger (S) have the knowledge.”

He (S) said, “The right of Allah on His slaves is that they worship Him and don’t make any shirk with Him.” Again some time passed, and then he (S) called, “O Maa’z bin Jabal (RA).” I answered, “O Messenger of Allah, “I am present and attentive.”

He (S) said, “Do you know: what is the right of slaves on Allah when they act like that?”

I said, “Allah and His Messenger (S) have the knowledge.”

He (S) said, “He [Allah] does not punish them.”  [Bukhari & Muslim]


* Just let us try to understand where and how we are committing Shirk in our life, knowingly or un-

 knowingly: Our traditions; our ego; our habits and customs; forefathers; birthdays; flags; wealth; people’s will; national anthem; hero worshipping – anything that hampers your obedience to Allah



- IN AQEEDAH: thoughts and actions from personal life, family life, social life and collective life;

- From cultural, economic and political life: It needs STUDY to increase the knowledge of Islam to be obedient and follow Allah’s directive in every walk of life.

* Sibghatallah. Wa mun ahsanu minallahey Sibghatun, wa Nahnu lahu Aa’bedoon”[Al-Baqarah: 138]

[Say: “Our life takes its] hue from Allah! And who could give a better hue [to life] than Allah, if we but truly worship Him”] + “Udkhulu fi-al-Silmey Ka’ffataun” [Al-Baqarah: 208]



- “La Ilaha”: Denying all sources of power: May be Individuals; Institutions or Collective Bodies

* Important Warning: You cannot do it as you are not living in a vacuum. Vested interests will not let you do it as there is established Rule of law and you have to abide by it.

- Compromises you cannot make – Allah does not permit it: “Lakum deenukum waleya Deen” [109: 6]


4. So, What to do? Follow Allah’s given laws and Shariah in your personal and family life to the extent possible and make every effort to change the System only through available peaceful and constitutional means. THAT IS THE DOMAIN OF DAWAH ILALLH – [THE COMMITMENT]


5. Are we prepared to work for the change of Batil with Haq? – That is the call of our Iman.

- Alone we cannot do it. Hence, it needs collective efforts – Building the requisite Team of Da’ees on the pattern Rasulullah (S) did in

his (S) life time.

- How can we proceed? “The Commitment” will explain you, Insha Allah.




- Iman is a Commitment: Our Kalama is a Challenge; a Movement and a Revolutionary Political Slogan: O people: say “la Ilaha Ilallah” Tuflehu; Tamleku beha Al-Arab wa Tazillu Lakum Al-Ajam wa Iza Amantum kuntum mulukan fi-al-Jannah” As quoted:  In Seerah Ibne Hisham, Balazari in Fatuhul Baladan & Ibne – Athir in Albadayah wa Al-Nahayah



Shamim Siddiqi                                                                                                          March 13/16. 2008