In The Name of Allah, the beneficent,
the Merciful
[Shamim A Siddiqi,
In the context of modern world
and considering the various crises which Muslim world is encountered with due
to highly publicized “Crusade” of President Bush against Islam in the name of
“War against Terrorism”, it appears that America is the most suitable place
where Islam can shower its infinite blessings on its people in due course;
where American leadership is very much scared of Islam’s inherent magnetic
power that is attracting people who are
in search of “Truth” and a system of life that can resolve the problems of both
the worlds. The causes of this “hopeful”
situation, the reasons for this upbeat approach and the possibilities of its occurrence
are various and very convincing. I will
discuss each in brief to remove the clouds of despondency that are hovering
over the minds of American Muslims, especially after the tragic event of
September 11, 2001. It is in the nature of Islam that the more it is tried
to be “crushed” through opposition, suppression and oppression, the more it
rebounds and resurrects with great thud. The history of revival of Islam in
1. The Planning of Allah: In fact, Allah
(SWT) has perhaps “selected” this land out of His infinite mercy to be the
future “home” of Islam. It may look strange to many but the emergence of Islam
In today’s world, American people
excel in the art of science and technology, Research and Development, in
undertaking strenuous jobs of exploration on land, under the sea and above the
sky in the space and striving hard to be the leaders of mankind. The only thing
that they lack is the ideology that could attract the imagination of the world
in this materialistic age and that could transform them to be the honest and
the trustworthy torch bearers only
of truth, care and service to the suffering humanity. The oppressive ideology
of capitalism in the “garb” of democracy has failed to attract the poor people
of Asia, Africa and
Keeping the aforesaid “Divine Strategy” in
mind, it appears as the planning of Allah that the most developed and the most
scientifically advanced country of the USA gives a free and fair trial to
Islamic system of life as its future ideology in order to stop its ever-growing
moral decadence; provides ideological moral foundation to its domestic and
foreign policies to stabilize its dwindling foreign influence in the community
of nations in the wake of its decade old hegemonies for the New World Order;
eradicates the prevailing corruption from its corporate economic system; remodels its social and cultural system of life by
removing various disbalances at personal, family and national levels; gives
redress to its unbalanced growth and uneven concentration of wealth in the
hands of a few while depriving teaming
millions form the fruits of its free economy at equal footings by
introducing the self-sustained welfare
system of Islam for its poor, the needy, the deprived and the incapacitated people at ease
with willing and active support of the
affluent with no burden on the treasury or public exchequer at all. Without these corrective measures,
Americans should not even dream to be accepted as the leaders of mankind. Only
Islam and its concept of life – obedience to Allah, the Creator and the
Sustainer and feeling always accountable to Him for every action and deed on
earth, can come to their rescue.
2. Influx of Muslim Immigrants: As no Prophet was to come to fulfill this paramount need of America towards reforming its affairs in depth, Allah (SWT) in His infinite mercy and through His Divine planning, arranged to send millions of highly educated “messengers” of His last Messenger (S), in different fields from different parts of the Muslim world through the process of immigration to meet the growing needs of skilled labor of this country. It must be clear in our minds that none of us has come over here on his/her own accord but as per His aforesaid grand planning. He paved our way to migrate to this country and live here as its most productive citizens and the recognized ambassadors of Islam. That process is still on in spite of some set backs that it had sustained in the post-9/11 era.
In fact, right from the very outset, the immigrant Muslims in close cooperation with our indigenous brothers/sisters should have been conscious of their position on earth as the savior of mankind and demonstrated their characters as a boon and benediction for the people of this land and the society at large. Unfortunately, Muslims as a community lost that opportunity, forgot the mission of their life, involved themselves enjoying the free-for-all “bounties” of this prosperous land, are gradually increasing their strength numerically but not qualitatively as Da’ee Ilallah, the only special title that Allah preferred and conferred on them when they are actively involved in calling the people to the fold of their Creator and Sustainer. [Ref: Verse 33 of Surah 41 of the Qur’an]. However, this chapter is still wide open and Muslims can rush through that process any time and get themselves re-established on correct footings in this country.
3. What the
4. The Inevitable Role of Muslims: Thus, howsoever distorted it may
look, the paramount “religion” of this country is monotheism [Trust in God] and
believing in the accountability on the last Day of Judgment. Here the followers
of Islam stand at par with their Christian and Jews brothers, agreeing
basically on concepts but variably different in practice and approach towards
life. Here now the role of both immigrant and indigenous Muslims comes in its
true picture. They are to live, act
and behave as the motivating force in presenting the concept of Monotheism
in its most puritan form and the accountability in Akhirah as the guiding force
of their life in their day to day activities, serving as model to the people of
the land. They are to walk on the streets of the
This is the flash point of Muslim’s character and that is the objective
for which Allah (SWT) has arranged their way to this land of opportunities, not
for dollars, comfort and easy going life. That is the secondary object as it
would come automatically to them. When they are living in this country, Allah
will shower upon them “bread and butter” in abundance as He is the best
Provider. [Ref: Verse 58 of Surah 51] Allah never neglects His “slaves” that fall in
the category of “Muhseneen”. His appointed angels accompany them when they are
in the field of Dawah Ilallah. [Ref: Verse 31 of Surah 41]. Can any assignment
be more dignified than calling the people to the fold of Allah?
5. Now What to Do?
* Let us see first where we stand: Currently, about eight millions
Muslims are living in
* At collective level, Muslims are perhaps the most disorganized
community of
* Dawah Activities: It is the most limited in dimension whereas it
should have been the top most objective of our socio-political life in
* Publications – Need of Dawah Literature: Dawah work in this country is of great magnitude that must suit to the mission of our life. It needs huge literature - audio, video and print, about the basic concepts of Islam to flood the country and its every house. Late Maulana Maudoodi (RA) advised me in July 1979 when I discussed with him during last days of his life in Buffalo, NY about our mission of Iqamatuddeen in this country, he categorically advised me to prepare your own Dawah literature in American perspective as the literature written by him or in the ME will not suit the Dawah needs of this country.[Ref: Methodology of Dawah, Chapter IV – Shamim Siddiqi] I tried my humble way to do something in this respect but that is totally insufficient to cater our Dawah needs. We need issue-oriented literature on Tawheed, Amanah, Akhirah and Prophet-hood in American English but none of our Islamic scholars are forthcoming to fulfill this paramount need. Without effective Dawah literature addressing the issues that American society is confronting, the call to the fold of Allah will remain hollow. I wish our national organizations like ICNA and ISNA would have undertaken this basic need of Dawah Ilallah as priority number one of their agenda.
To abridge the vast gap of basic Dawah needs, it demands a lot of
funds, many prolific writers in English and Spanish, a well organized system of
distribution through enormous Dawah activities and a dynamic effective force of
hundreds and thousands of Da’ee Ilallah. Muslim national organizations will have to make a joint and concerted
effort to abridge this gap and the Muslim community must come forward with
abundance of funds that, Alhamdulillah, they do have, to meet these needs and
earn the magnificent harvest of AJR for Akhirah with no delay at all. Time left
for us is very small and very tight.
Our sisters and our youth must be eager to play a dominant role in
the field of Dawah Ilallah as they are equally responsible as men are. Rather,
they will be more effective in communicating with the masses of the land both
at individual and group levels. Sisters
Wings of ICNA & ISNA must come forward and reorganize itself to
penetrate deep into this society, meet the American sisters and acquaint them
with the blessings of Islam that they are enjoying immensely in their hearths
and homes like the proverbial queens of time.
* The Culminating Point: The planning of Allah is absolutely
clear as envisioned above. The disorganized condition of Muslim Ummah in
The day the Muslim community of
“As for those who strive in Us [in His way], We surely guide them to
our paths, and Lo! Allah is with the good [Muhseneen]”
May Allah bless the Muslim community of the
Shamim Siddiqi
February 16, 2007
NB: What I have been able to contribute in my
humble way during last 30 years towards Dawah Ilallah in American perspective,
all is available on my Website