In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
[Shamim A Siddiqi,
Desecration of the holy Qur’an by American interrogators with the
innocent and harmless Muslim detainees at Guantanamo Bay, flushing the Only Divine Guidance that is now
available to mankind intact and unpolluted from their Creator and Sustainer is
a shear act of hate and disrespectful against Islam, Muslims and Islamic traditions.
The more it is condemned the less it would be.
The allegation was first reported in the Newsweek magazine in its
issue of
The attitude of American military top notches lacks credibility as
has been shown in the most heinous sex crimes committed by American military
personals with Muslim detainees in the prison of Abu Ghraib in
Their inquiry will never be transparent into this sordid affair
because of the age-old prejudices against Islam and Muslims. As such, the vague
assurances from President Bush to Dr. Rice and military personals are
insufficient to keep this incident augmenting the waves of hate and contempt
against the
to further harm the relations with the Muslim world. A quick unqualified
apology form the President and the Pentagon top brasses could help in
controlling the rise of protests in more countries. Already a violent wave of indignation has engulfed
the Muslim world from
Here I would like to add some words of caution for the Muslim
Ummah who loves Qur’an most just prima facie. They should think: had they been
a living model of the Qur’an and its teachings and had been its torch bearers
to the suffering and oppressed humanity that unfortunately lives in both the
spheres - North and South, East and West, the attitude of the human race would
have been quite different from what we see today It would have been the
attitude of respect and cordiality. In this situation, Muslims should blame
themselves not others for the perpetual insults that the West has been hurling
towards Islam and Muslims having no respect for the Muslim Ummah. Their
material gains and military might have made them arrogance and it is this
arrogance that is expressed time and again in desecration of the Qur’an and
using insulting language against the beloved Prophet (S) of Islam
In stead of
reacting violently, Muslims must make a deep probe in themselves and resolve to
rotate their lives both individually and collectively around the Qur’an and its
teachings, be the champion of its message and present a character that is
embedded in the benevolent life pattern that it envisages. That would have been
the best reaction of the Muslims around the world. The guide lines from the
Qur’an are extremely clear: “Endure thou patiently [O Muhammad]. Your endurance
is only by [the help of] Allah. Grieve not for them, and be not in distress
because of that which they devise” [Verse 127 of Surah Al-Nahal] The
significance of this Verse can be envision through my paper: The Roadmap for Ummah to come out of Its
Mess. It is available on my Website:
A Siddiqi
NB: It has just been announced by Newsweek Magazine that its
reporting about the captioned incident was an “honest” mistake. The question
arises who is going to verify: what is right and what is wrong. It may just be
a face saving joint device of Whitehouse & Pentagon to befoul the Muslim
world and save them for an over due apology to the Muslim masses. Further who
will be punished for the valuable Muslim lives that are already lost, perhaps
none, as the value of life has lost its importance with the Bush administration
and its Neo-Cons.